Tuesday, June 14, 2011

hey, rando pics

i found out about this cookie recipe with an amazing looking blueberry cream filling from jocelyn and wanted to make it so i did. so pretty. and yummy.

went on a "behind the scenes" tour of my workplace last week. it was pretty awesome cuz there were all these secret tunnels and walkways. here is one of our green roofs.

i liked this tunnel the best. it's hard to tell but it was quite long and reeally steep.

lots of rain
a couple of months ago i'd bought a light up globe at the st. lawrence antique market. i've always wanted one and i like that nunavut is on it. i also picked up a drawer unit thing at the drake general store warehouse sale and rearranged things on my desk a bit to fit them both. they look good together i think.

kalpna makes the most gangsta gift boxes ever.


Owen said...

Dem cookies look deelish zomg


Iris said...

so jealous of that globe, I've always wanted one!

darbs said...

that globe looks lovely. also, you look boss in a hard hat. BAWSE.

michelle said...