Friday, May 20, 2011

may had told me about slide film before i went on my trip and the interesting effects created when processed the regular c-41 way. i'd taken a few rolls of it to camera stores that just ended up returning them to me. i took it to black's but they just turned them into slides and it costed an arm and a leg and a head printing just a handful of them out. they turned out pretty, but not what i was looking for. i begged the people at superstore this time that it could be cross processed and they did it. these are some of the results.

guess which one is mark and which is owen
hung out with candace one afternoon at u of t

a pin of a hurricane that i made for march break at the osc
i also inversed the colours on a few of the photos just for fun

1 comment:

darbs said...

these are effin' awesome!