i stumbled across this website the other day and thought it was neat. foster huntington's photographic project documents what one would save in the face of a fire and i liked seeing what people from different age groups would save. i think my favourites were lee hunt and marilyn lue's and peter r. frorer's lists. 300 year old family tree! rock hammer from parents that you've been using your whole life! i thought about what i would save in a fire:
there was a lot to consider, including how easy it was to grab. there are random photos in my room and in a whole bunch of storage boxes that would be harder to retrieve and that makes me sad. and it doesn't mean that anything else left behind is insignificant either. like he says it's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. see foster's entire project at theburninghouse.com
Ah! One of the pins I gave you is in that box! I'm touched :)
(in the pants)
I have a Snoopy necklace like that too, but it's not flat like that. I could try to find it and give it to you (unless you only like yours because there's some sentimental value, and you don't actually love all things Snoopy)
i was gonna do a whole entry about this when you first posted this, but i've been thinking too long about it. i'll save it for a rainy day entry.
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