Monday, May 9, 2011

i attended the toronto comic arts festival held at the toronto reference library this past weekend and it was fun as always. i've only gone on sundays in previous years and didn't think the crowds were that bad but was totally overwhelmed on saturday by the amount of people there. i picked up some really sweet books and zines by shannon gerard, ginette lapalme, adrienne kammerer, and jillian tamaki!

pins by ginette that made me lol. the heart one kind of reminds me of archie but my sister doesn't think so.

someone at the koyama press table had purchased this book and it was just sitting on top of a little pile of books and the colour and detail of the cover immediately attracted my attention. the girl watching the table didn't know where it had come from but luckily it wasn't too hard to find. 'even the giants' is a new book by jesse jacobs. the book is amazing and he is cute.

this weekend, it was a good one


audreyssyp said...

I love it all! I never gave much notice to TCAF, but I should. I fear how much I'll spend if I go next year.

darbs said...

michelle, i think you should make your own zine. you could totally do it.


Iris said...

Shannon was my prof this year! Crazy.