Monday, April 4, 2011

i've been collecting fabric for a few years, not really knowing what i wanted to do with it, just some sort of big project. i've been wanting to make a quilt for a looong time now. last summer i had printed off an image i really really loved from an illustrator/designer dude and wanted to make a quilt inspired by the colours and geometry. i was trying to remember his name a few days ago while searching through my flickr people but couldn't cuz he'd deleted his account but i just remembered again about 10 minutes ago, andy gilmore!! he does some amazing beautiful stuff and i always see quilt patterns in a lot of his work. this is the image i was talking about. after months and months i finally got off my butt last weekend to wash and iron the fabric and this past weekend i started doing more of the cutting and sewing part. i've only made 4 blocks so far and i'm still learning how to make it neater but YES I AM EXCITEDDDDDD.


J said...

can't wait to see the finished project!

roz said...

o crap!!!!

audreyssyp said...

i have that pillow too! my fav so far is the 2nd pic, swatch on the top left :)