Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i bought this japanese magazine at kinokuniya, featuring kiko mizuhara, who plays the character of midori in the norwegian wood movie. she is so pretty.
anyways, in the accessories part of the magazine, the crochet of jungjung and beadwork of maison des perles caught my eye.

lotus root!

amazeen. my favourite is this half smoked crushed cigarette brooch

hi how are you? good i hope

how am i? tired still and procrastinating on posting australia/new zealand photos. kind of dreading it cuz it'll take forever even though i want to show you.


darbs said...

i want that crushed half-cigarette brooch too.

Iris said...

lotus root! and love love love those lacy veggies.

roz said...

omg, these are amazing!!!